Highlights of our recent time here;
- Singing Liberian worship songs in our church. We really enjoy clapping and dancing and we are beginning to understand the words we are singing. It is English.... "but not as we know it!"
- Meeting with the leaders of the ECUL Church. We started working alongside the two men responsible for Education. There are 5 schools, some near, but one a long way away. They are passionate to help their schools improve and grow and it is great to work with such Godly and experienced people. Two of the schools are trying to add a classroom each year in order to grow large enough to accomodate a new year group annually.We will visit them together to gather their ideas of what training their teachers would like to receive.
- Will spent time at the radio meeting the presenters. ELWA Radio is highly regarded in the community. Many have been encouraged by their programmes. Some of the comments sent into the radio by listeners are:
- “I like to listen to Women of Hope even though the first program I heard, the speaker criticized how badly some men treat their spouses. Through your program, I learn to love and treat my wife with respect and dignity. Thank you so much for your work and may God bless you.”
- “Thank you for your radio program. We are very poor but I thank the Lord for providing us with a radio to listen to your programs regularly. My sons-in-law drink too much and hence my daughters suffer. Your messages helped my daughters cope with their situations. Please pray that they may grow in the Lord and help their husbands find Christ.”
- “Your message on anger touched my heart. I used to lose my temper even without a reason. I am now more able to control my anger with the help of God.”
Moses Nyante - Manager od ELWA Radio - At the moment ELWA Radio broadcasts 126 hours per week. The station airs a total of 30 programs and of these 25% are sponsored and we are looking for sponsors for the other 75%. Anyone interested in sponsoring a radio program please get in touch. Many local churches in Liberia are already sponsoring programs which is very encouraging.
- Another highlight is that we are now proud owners of a newly made living room suite. Jenny is in the process of making matching cushions. The bed should arrive tomorrow, so tonight should be the last night of sleeping on the floor!!
What we miss from the UK....An evening with friends. a day on the river, cool evening air, Chocolate, Strictly Come Dancing and a trip to the cinema.
We really enjoy in Liberia....Lebanese bread, an evening with new friends, Papaya, the sea view 24/7 and constant sunshine!
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