Sunday, 25 April 2010

Taking time for sentiment...

One of the things I was not looking forward to doing before we go out to Liberia was clearing out our house after having lived in it for twenty years. But in some ways it’s very therapeutic, all those old paint tins you have been keeping just in case you need to do a “touch up” job but for some reason have never used, bits of carpet stored in the loft from when you first moved in and for some unexplained reason have kept thinking that they may be useful, clothes that don’t fit or are some throwback to the ‘70s.

Jenny and I have decided it’s time to be brutal, so we have piles to go to the dump and piles to go to the charity shop and smaller piles that have too much sentimental value that we have to keep them. “The Boy’s World “ book from my Granny published in 1960, with amazing stories about Climbing Mount Everest and the Mystery Lives of Salmon and Eels or a songbook I put together when I went out to work in Sierra Leone in 1974 with a prayer in the back of it that I wrote when I first became a Christian. Fond memories of people and places in the midst of taking the opportunity to get rid of the rubbish…

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