Tuesday, 29 November 2011

ELWA Radio Update

ELWA Radio was burnt down on the 8th November 2011, but the day after we were able to restart the radio in a small satellite studio in another building. The "studio" is basically just a room at the moment but we have the CDs that were rescued from the fire already stored on shelves and Rose, in the picture, has been helping to clean the soot off them. We now have air conditioning in the studio which fills the hole you can see at  the top right of the photo below.

The "satellite" studio at ELWA Radio is up and running
but still needs some work done.
Below are some of the charred CDs that were rescued from the fire. Still usable but need cleaning.

 We were fortunate in being able to rescue the sound board from the studio but as you can see (below) it is a bit the worse for ware and the sliders don't work very well. We have also been able to replace some of the computers that were destroyed. But as you can see there is a lot still to do.... but praise God we are on the air and still broadcasting the gospel!
The rather charred soundboard that was rescued from the
studio that was burnt down
Below is a video that gives you a bit of history about ELWA Radio and its importance to Liberians... There are also some photos of the recent fire. Please pray for the complete restoration and renewal of the radio station and that we can continue to remain on air while doing so.

Thursday, 10 November 2011

Radio ELWA burned down

I left to go to Senegal on Tuesday for some SIM meetings and will return on Saturday. Sadly, the evening after I left, ELWA Radio station was burnt down and much of our equipment destroyed. This was the day after the elections in Liberia and there has been some tension around Monrovia. There will of course be an inquiry into how this happened. No one was hurt, Praise God.

As soon as the emergency call went out we were quickly supported by teams of soldiers from the UN peacekeeping forces, and 3 branches of the police. The Fire service attended and we were able to save some of the tapes and CDs and the mixing console. Please pray that God’s name is honoured throughout this and that we can find the finance, energy, and spiritual strength to rebuild.

The radio’s managers have continued to broadcast from a small satellite room. They are determined that God’s word will not be made silent. Please pray for safety and for Liberia.

The Vice President of Liberia Joseph N. Boakai, has toured the site and expressed his sympathy. http://allafrica.com/stories/201111100766.html

If you would like to contribute towards the rebuilding and restoration of ELWA Radio you can contribute via the SIM website www.sim.org/index.php/content/donate and specify your donation to go to Project Number 95107 ELWA Radio Restoration.